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Hill, The Dating and Arrangement of the Undated Coins of Rome A.D. 98-148.

Hill, The Dating and Arrangement of the Undated Coins of Rome A.D. 98-148.

Hill, Philip V.: The Dating and Arrangement of the Undated Coins of Rome A.D. 98-148. Foreword by C.H.V. Sutherland. London: Spink & Son Ltd. 1970. Gr.-8°. 4 Bll., 215 S., 2 Tafeln. Leinen (Schutzumschlag mit Randläsuren; S. 129/130 mit Fleck und kleinen Fehlstellen ohne Textverlust; Buchblock leicht geknickt;

CHF 120.00

Hill, The Dating and Arrangement of the Undated Coins of Rome A.D. 98-148. (Umschlag)
Hill, The Dating and Arrangement of the Undated Coins of Rome A.D. 98-148. (Umschlag)

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