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Vaughan, The Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell and the State of Europe during the

Vaughan, The Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell and the State of Europe during the

Vaughan, Robert: The Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell and the State of Europe during the early Part of the Reign of Louis XIV illustrated in a series of letters between Dr.John Pell, Sir Samuel Morland, Sir William Lockhart, Mr. Secretary Thurloe and other distinguished men of the time. 2 Bände. London: Henry Colburn 1839. Gr.-8°. CXX, 454 S., XI, 518 S., Leinen Einband teilweise leicht abgeblasst und leicht berieben; Papier altersbedingt leicht gebräunt; Ex Libris auf Innendeckel; sonst altersgemäss gut erhalten)

CHF 98.00

Vaughan, The Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell and the State of Europe during the (Umschlag)
Vaughan, The Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell and the State of Europe during the (Umschlag)

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Wir führen schwerpunktmässig und in grosser Auswahl Geschichte, Helvetica, Literatur, Kunst, Architektur, Geisteswissenschaften und Naturwissenschaften.