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Wir führen schwerpunktmässig und in grosser Auswahl Geschichte, Helvetica, Literatur, Kunst, Architektur, Geisteswissenschaften und Naturwissenschaften.

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Catalogue of the coins of the Gupta dynasties and of Sasanka, king of Gauda.

Catalogue of the coins of the Gupta dynasties and of Sasanka, king of Gauda.

Allan, John A.: Catalogue of the coins of the Gupta dynasties and of Sasanka, king of Gauda. Photolitogr. reprint. London: British Museum 1967. 8°. CXXXVIII, 184 S., 24 Tafeln, Leinen (Einband wenig befleckt; gut erhalten)

CHF 98.00

Catalogue of the coins of the Gupta dynasties and of Sasanka, king of Gauda. (Umschlag)
Catalogue of the coins of the Gupta dynasties and of Sasanka, king of Gauda. (Umschlag)

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