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Djajasoebrata, Shadow Theatre in Java.

Djajasoebrata, Shadow Theatre in Java.

Djajasoebrata, Alit: Shadow Theatre in Java. The Puppets, Performance and Repertoire. Amsterdam: Pepin 1999. Lex.-8°. 152 S., durchgehend Farb- und sw-Abbildungen, Pappband (Schutzumschlag leicht berieben; gut erhalten)

Javanese society and wayang theatre are closely connected; not only are ideas from the wayang stories deeply embedded in Javanese culture, wayang is also a means of expression. Illustrated with many high-quality colour reproductions of some of the most beautiful puppets known and with historical pictures, this book is an excellent introduction to wayang purqa, one of the most important features of cultural life in Java.

CHF 18.00

Djajasoebrata, Shadow Theatre in Java. (Einband)
Djajasoebrata, Shadow Theatre in Java. (Einband)

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