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Drilling and Thread Cutting.

Drilling and Thread Cutting.

Drilling and Thread Cutting. Acompilation of 301 experiences in the drilling of metal and the cutting of threads, showing not only how to use drills, and taps and dies, but how to make devices for special requirements in this work. Chicago: Popular Mechanics Press o.J. 8°. 87 S., 298 Illustrationen, broschiert (teilweise wasserfleckig ohne Textverlust; Umschlag mit Einriss – partly waterstained without loss of text; cover with tear)

  • Kategorie: Technik
  • Schlagwörter: Technik
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Bestellnummer: 49174BB

CHF 16.00

Drilling and Thread Cutting. (Umschlag)
Drilling and Thread Cutting. (Umschlag)

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