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McCormac, Physics and Chemistry of upper Atmospheres.

McCormac, Physics and Chemistry of upper Atmospheres.

McCormac, B.M. (Ed.): Physics and Chemistry of upper Atmospheres. Proceedings of a symposium organized by the Summer Advanced Study Institute, held at the University of Orléans, France, July 31 – August 11, 1972. Dordrecht: D. Reidel 1973. Gr.-8°. 4 Bll., 389 S., Tabellen, Abbildungen. Leinen (Einband leicht angestaubt; gut erhalten) (=Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Vol. 35)

CHF 30.00

McCormac, Physics and Chemistry of upper Atmospheres. (Einband)
McCormac, Physics and Chemistry of upper Atmospheres. (Einband)

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