Economic Series, 14)"> Economic Series, 14)"> Economic Series, 14)">

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Austen, Clothes Moths and house moths.

Austen, Clothes Moths and house moths.

Austen, Ernest Edward: Clothes Moths and house moths. Their life-history, habits and control. 2. ed. rev. by A. W. McKenny Hughes and H. Stringer. London: British Museum 1935. 8“. 50 S., sw-Abbildungen, geheftet (Besitzervermerk auf Umschlag und Titelblatt; Umschlag abgegriffen; Bleistiftmarginalien) (=British Museum. <Natural History.> Economic Series, 14)

CHF 14.00

Austen, Clothes Moths and house moths. (Umschlag)
Austen, Clothes Moths and house moths. (Umschlag)

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