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Macaulay, Critical and historical essays, contributed to the Edinburgh Review.

Macaulay, Critical and historical essays, contributed to the Edinburgh Review.

Macaulay, Thomas Babington: Critical and historical essays, contributed to the Edinburgh Review. Copyright ed. 5 Bände in 3. Leipzig: Tauchnitz 1850. 8°. Insgesamt 1642 S., Halbleder Einband berieben und beschabt; Einbandecken bestossen; teilweise leicht stockfleckig; leicht lichtrandig) (=Collection of British authors)

Angebunden: Biographical Essays. Leipzig: Tauchnitz 1857. 296 S.

CHF 68.00

Macaulay, Critical and historical essays, contributed to the Edinburgh Review. (Umschlag)
Macaulay, Critical and historical essays, contributed to the Edinburgh Review. (Umschlag)

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