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Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons: Strikes and look-outs. Board of Tra…

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons: Strikes and look-outs. Board of Tra

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons: Strikes and look-outs. Board of Trade (Labour Department). Report on strikes and lock-outs and on conciliation and arbitration boards in the United Kingdom in 1908. [London: House of Commons?] 1909. 8°. 176 S., Broschiert (Bibliotheksexemplar; Bibliotheksvermerke; Stempel auf Titelblatt; Einband mit Gebrauchsspuren; Rücken mit kleiner Fehlstelle ohne Textverlust) Reports of Commissioners. Great Britain. Parliament. Session 1909.

CHF 18.00

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons: Strikes and look-outs. Board of Tra (Umschlag)
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons: Strikes and look-outs. Board of Tra (Umschlag)

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