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The world of Ex Libris. A historical retrospective.

The world of Ex Libris. A historical retrospective.

The world of Ex Libris. A historical retrospective. [Istorijska retrospektiva : Narodnii muzej, Beograd, 6. oktobar-5. novembar, 1995 : Sremski Karlovci, prolece, 1996]. 2 Volumes. Beograd: Ex-libris Circle 1995. 8°. 192; 256 S., durchgehend zum Teil farbige Illustrationen, broschiert (gut erhalten) (=The world of ex-libris, [5])

CHF 65.00

The world of Ex Libris. A historical retrospective. (Umschlag)
The world of Ex Libris. A historical retrospective. (Umschlag)

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